It was DH's birthday today. I asked him a while back, at around the time I had made a make-up case cake, a surfboard cake and a caravan cake, what kind of cake he would want for his birthday... 'a Kit cake of course' was the answer.... (as in Kit from Knight Rider - if you're too young to remember this, google it!).
So... I didn't really want to make an all black cake, as that amount of gel colouring has a nasty effect on your insides, if ya know what I mean, so I decided on a chocolate version. It does have the red Kit lights on the front though, see?

As the day has gone on, Kit has shrunk, bit by bit, like some sort of cruel torture. Oh well... like Marie Antoinette once famously said 'LET THEM EAT CAKE'!!!!! (and they did, teehee!)
So this post is for D - Happy Birthday honey... only two more years till the Big 4-0! Woop woop! xxx

Very cool Becks. You have a very spoilt DH getting a cake like that. Look fwd to seeing what you come up with in a couple of years.
you are SO clever!!!!
love it
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