Yup, here's my nephew, BRUTUS the chihuahua (awww ain't he cuuute!)

...and my niece Goggles (well almost niece, she belongs to the flat that my sister lives in!)

...and my niece Goggles (well almost niece, she belongs to the flat that my sister lives in!)

We had a flying trip up north for Queen's Birthday weekend to go to a wedding (I was taking the photos!).... flew into and out of Auckland, driving over to Tauranga for the wedding. And I got the chance to catch up with my sister, her bf, and my nephew!!!! Ha ha ha!
Will post some wedding photos after the bride has seen them.... probably at the weekend. Also have pics of Jake's first ''air" on his motorbike (SCARY!) to come..... He was so proud of himself!
Right, time to get dressed and get teh flock outta here.
Toodles, B x
Awwwww! So cute! I'm a sucker for furbabies!
Brutus IS sooooo cute!!LOL ... how on earth did he get such a mean name???HEEHEE ...
Adorable pictures!!!
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