"Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a slight interruption to our regular programming due to a nasty little beastie called Coverseal. Coverseal can often be found lurking in dusty corners awaiting the start of the school year. It's latest victim was attacked this evening, in suburban Timaru, which is not entirely unexpected as Bluestone School re-opens tomorrow. The 37 year old female victim who preferred not to be named was quoted as saying that no exercise books were harmed in the process, and this time at least, no paper-cuts occurred"
Yup, that was me they were talking about, ba ha ha ha ha! When I have recovered from said attack (most likely tomorrow), I shall be back!

Hope you've found your way out of the coverseal trap by now...
hahaha all sticky huh!!
i used to do them for the books at work and would always get so so cross!!!
glad you survived it!!!
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