Yup, it's hard to believe, but it's the 1st of October already... scary!
The incredibly good news though, is that we have got most of our Christmas shopping out of the way already - yeehaaaaa!

We went to Christchurch for the day on Monday (SC Anniversary Day) and knocked a few off the list - nieces, nephews etc. Then this week we got our parents sorted - both sets! Fan-tas-tic! I love that super organised feeling that gives me. And y'all might jest and poke fun, but I KNOW you're all JEALOUS :)
Finally got some scrapping done the other day... although it DID take me all friggin day to do... Mojo is workin, it's just on the go-slow. It's a very recent photo of our not-so-little man, in the spring flowers in the Botanical Gardens. Totally cool place to hang out for pics at this time of the year.
Unfortunately the scanner does not really do it justice.... the white background is matted by a lovely lime green, some of which has been cut off by the scanner. The colours are a bit muted in this version too. Honestly, it looks a whole lot better IRL.
Journalling reads: 'All of a sudden it seems that you are really starting to grow up. I swear that you are getting taller and smarter every day. That five years sure went fast'
The fun part about this was that I FINALLY got to play a bit with photoshop properly, I used a clipping mask to make the grunged border around the photo, I used the clone stamp tool to remove the tomato sauce from his face (!!!), and I added a second layer so I could 'erase' the black and white to reveal the coloured flowers underneath. I am REALLY happy with how it turned out.
Right, speaking of being creative... Saturday 3rd October is WORLD CARDMAKING DAY. I am going to a Stampin Up make and take being run by Deb McRobie on Saturday from 1pm to 5pm. I challenge you all to make at least one card on Saturday, then email it to me to prove you've done it! I am going to set myself a challenge to try and get half a dozen made on Saturday. D is going out on Saturday night to watch the boxing (BORING) so I should have plenty of time! Go on then, challenge issued... get thinking! Ha ha ha. I'm SERIOUS!
Right. I have now watched 3 episodes of Grey's Anatomy reruns (screening on Vibe) back to back, to clear a bit of space on MySky. So I will probably start speaking like them a lot. Seriously! Ha ha ha. Time to go to bed, I have to go to work tomorrow after all.... And I suspect that I am no longer making much sense, as I am VERY tired.
Night night. B x
I agree! It is so good getting Christmas shopping out of the way. I have managed to get through two thirds of mine.
a slap and a kick, for being so quick ..... LOL
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