J has officially been invested as a Kea Scout with his Highfield Mountainview Troup. I had to rush off to Postie Plus the first week of term and buy the polo and sweatshirt for his uniform.
He was so funny, really excited about the whole investing process. He phoned my Dad and asked him if he would like to come and watch, and D's parents too. In the end, at the ceremony, he had all four grandparents, both D and I, and his Auntie Gemma there watching.
Here he is promising to be a happy Kea Scout:
Shaking hands with Scouter Debbie:
And receiving his certificate and uniform badges from Scouter Penni:
Also, luckily for J, he was also awarded the trophy for Kea Star of the Week - given out each week to the Kea who has behaved the best all evening. What great timing, to get a trophy with so much of the family there to see!
One very happy little Kea Scout at OUR house that night!
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