Finally I get a chance to catch you up on what we've been doing! Mum and I finished our canvases last week (although I still have to get her to email me pics of hers). Here's how mine turned out...
I coloured it with Ranger Faded Jeans Distress Ink, then got busy covering it up with gorgeous Prima flowers and bling, and Dusty Attic chipboard. The two stamped pieces (background of wire dress form, and quote) were coloured with Faded Jeans, Shabby Shutters and Chipped Sapphire Distress Inks. The mini flowers were too pink (can't believe that I just said that - ME, the pink queen!), so I coloured them up with a bit of Spiced Marmalade so that they matched the larger flowers better. Here's a couple close-ups...
I was really pleased with how it turned out. Huge thanks to Nic who loaned us the stamps to have a play with. SO much fun! They will be winging their way back to you real soon Nic, promise.
Weigh-in was on Wednesday. Not a great result, but a result all the same - lost 400gms. I was a bit disappointed, but who wouldn't be after having lost nearly 2kg the week before. You can't keep producing losses of that size every week, huh? Oh well... a loss is still a loss. Running total? 2.2kg thus far.
I have been trying to get out for an evening walk twice a week, doing drills on the Soundshell stairs twice a week, and also going to Zumba with Mum. It's all gotta be helping, right? Right! And when I say the Soundshell stairs, for those of you who aren't locals, these are what I mean...
Not exactly an INSIGNIFICANT set of stairs! ROFLMAO!
And what else have I been up to this week? Well, last night after Zumba (and this morning before work), I made J a new reading packet for school. His one fell apart last week. I've had this motorbike fabric sitting around for a few months wondering what to make it into for him, and then it struck me! All I needed to buy was some PVC and some velcro, as I already had black lining left over from another project, and enough other fabric to make a binding for the edges. So here it goes...
He just LOVES it. He didn't want to put it in his bag to take it to school this morning, he had to carry it (with great pride, I might add!)
And once in his classroom, he had to show it to absolutely EVERYONE. I even heard one little boy remark on how cool it was, and J replied 'I know, my Mum could make you one too' !!! I think not. One is enough for now.
And that, my dears, is that. This week in a (rather large) nutshell. This weekend? Well, we're having tea at Mum's tonight cos my sister is down from Auckland for a few days (with a really cute baby bump on board!), and we haven't planned much else for the weekend. I think the boys are going for a ride on their motorbikes tomorrow afternoon, and I spose I'd better prune my roses (if the weather holds out) as they are long overdue some attention.
Oh, and THE FINAL of Dancing on Ice is on tonight... my FAVOURITE program on telly at the moment. Excited to see the final, but disappointed that it is coming to an end :( .
What are YOU up to?

Fab canvas Becks. I'm going to try another one soon. Yours have given me some extra inspiration. As for what I'm up to this weekend? Wedding invites, RSVPs and similar related stuff. And they're pink - you'd love 'em!
wowsa i love that canvas!!!! and what a cool book bag.
as for the weigh long as it goes DOWN!!!! all good...(hey i gained so gonna try HARDER this week!!!!) we can do it
my weekend...have a bit of a hoping to chill out at home
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