Right - so what have WE been up to? Well.... we have had TWO road trips to Milton in the past two weeks, the boys had a wasted trip to Christchurch on Monday (long story), all three of us seem to have that nasty cold that hangs on for ages and makes you feel like crap, and it's the school holidays of course (D is at home with J for these hols, I stayed home for the last ones). I still have the sewing to complete for my Mum before we head off to SENZ in ten days, it's D's birthday on Sunday, and I just realised that next week's Greys Anatomy is part 1 of a 2 part FINALE for the season. Bummer. I love Greys.
What are your favourite TV shows? At the moment, I like to blob out in front of Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, Packed to the Rafters and Dancing on Ice. LOVE Dancing on Ice. J watches delayed coverage on Saturday mornings, and likes to pass judgement on how well they are skating. SO cute!
Also, I've been thinking... Are you guys tired to cooking the same stuff, week after week, for dinner? I am. We seem to circulate through the same old recipes time and time again until we can't face them any longer. I want to know YOUR favourite 'go to' recipes. The ones you can whip up at a moment's notice, the family favourites. So here's the challenge... email me your suggestions. Share the love, people! There will be a little something something for anyone who takes the time to share. Not sure what yet, but it'll be something, promise!
And while I'm at it, do you have any tips and tricks to share? For example, here's one my Nan taught me:
The best mashed potato?... once the potatoes have boiled, drain them and put the pot back on the recently turned off element. Jiggle the pot to dry out the spuddies a little, then add the milk and let it warm a bit before you mash. Once mashed, whip the potatoes with a fork until smooth and creamy. Seriously good potato.
Want your lettuce to stay crispy in the fridge for as long as possible? Wash torn lettuce in a sink of cold water with a splash of vinegar. Shake lettuce dry and lay out on a clean tea-towel. Roll up the tea-towel and pat gently to dry the lettuce. Place lettuce in a sealed container in the fridge.
So give your grey matter a work out and get thinking peeps - email me (dazbeck@xtra.co.nz) your best recipes and/or tips and tricks. I'll make it worth your while :) (Oh and my family will thank you for a change in dinner menu, ha ha ha!)
Okey doke, time for me to head off to bed...

1 comment:
Oh Dear - Becks has the winter blues. Meals yes they do get a pain at times and no one else wants to do it. MINCE - Mince with pasta sauce to make Spag. Bol. (even the husbands can do this); Mince & Salsa in Burritos (even put roasted veges in them the other night); Mince & beans over Nachos, with cheese and sour cream; Lasagne; Meatballs; Patties etc. And no we don't eat mince every night. Ok, so now I have given you my ideas can someone give me some other ideas cause I've run out too.
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