Seriously, those four things sum up my weekend, really they do! Last weekend was the Raincliff Scrap Camp, and it was FAB! Although I have to confess to being rather tired this week, but that's all my own doing.
The weather was rubbish - it rained rather a lot, much like it has almost every other day lately too. Grrr. Although, that's mighty fine weather for scrapping in - no reason to feel bad for not being outside doing healthier things like running. But I did. Go running, that is. Well, when I say running, picture it like this: run-a-bit, walk-a-bit, run-a-bit, walk-a-bit-more, sweat-a-lot, run-a-bit, etc etc etc. You get the idea, yeah? Oh and apparently the cows out that way love my rendition of Voules Vous by Abba, and That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings, ha ha ha ha ha! They were moo-ing along with me (or was that complaining? I'm not too sure tbh!)
Oh and rabbits? Yes, RABBITS! Or should I say bunnies? Scrap Bunnies of course! Teeheehee.
Righto... here's some pics to explain what the heck I'm blah-ing on about:
The Scrap Bunnies (aka our table at camp)
You might recognise some of these ladies as last year's Scrap Angels!
And, surprisingly, through all the talking, eating, shopping etc, I managed to get some scrapping done too!...
My Friday night effort
This layout that took from about 6pm until 3am to finish - there's a LOT of bead work on there! I love these pictures - the cute looking blonde is me, at about the age of 2. See, I was cute once! Oh, please excuse the poor display effort - I was not near the large scanner at work today, and this computer doesn't have the software on it to stitch the images, so you get a handmade bang-up job instead. Oh well, you get the idea...
This mini canvas is very me - bright and cheeky! I finally got to use the Hambly acetate photo frames I bought ages ago, and lots of my favourite bright papers and ribbons. Yummo!
Mini Blackboard Book - cover
Inside right, page 2

Right, I have now had my fix of Dancing with the Stars for the evening. Tamati Coffey and Rebecca Hobbs are my two favourite celebs thus far. What do you reckon? I am a huge DWTS fan, so pleased it's back!
I'm off to beddie-byes now.... catch y'all later! Toodles, B x
awesome weekend, thanks Beck for your help. Love the photos - funny but you need to e-mail them to me so I can put it in the gallery with the scrap angels.
Hope you are refreshed and all good now!
Cute bunny photos!!
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