Well, hi-de-hi campers! I never did get back to you after the LAST weigh-in, did I? Well, it's cos it wasn't fantastic... At weigh-in on 8th September, I put on 100gms, which isn't a lot, but it's in the wrong direction, you know? However, in the week since (ie at last night's weigh-in on 15th September) I lost 800gms. Awesome! Gotta love that! Onwards and downwards next week please....
So, what are YOU up to for the weekend? I will be busy Friday/Saturday...
I have been invited to participate in the Bluestone School Art & Craft Festival, displaying some scrapbooking/papercraft work, and being an 'artist in residence' so that the students can see how scrapbooking works/what I do, etc. The Festival is being held in their school hall, and is open to the public from 2.45pm to 4pm Friday, and 10am to 3pm Saturday. There should be lots of other arts and crafts on display too - photography, costume making, and much much more. Come along and take a look. Better yet, come along and say 'Hi!'
Otherwise, not much planned for the weekend... I think we will have another 'Movie Night' on Saturday... we hire DVDs and start watching them straight after tea, with the lights down low, the fire roaring, and us huddled on the furniture with blankets and pillows and yummy things to munch on (when I say 'us' in relation to the yummy food, I mean 'them', ie NOT ME.... I'm being good, remember!) J just LOVES movie night :) Possibly because he gets to stay up late, and eat crap. I'd like to say that it's just because he loves our company so much, but I totally doubt that!
AND... speaking of J... next week marks the start of Scouts Job Week 2010. It runs from 20 September to 2 October, and his Kea pack is taking part (Highfield-Mountainview).
We sent away for his Scouts Job Week pack a while back, and he is now the proud owner of a Scouts pen, drink bottle, hacky sack, T-Shirt (which is HUGE by the way!), bag, job record card, and Job Week Badge. The general idea is that he does little jobs to help out others, which he writes down on his record card, and he receives a (small) donation for his HMV pack. All money raised by local kids stays with the local pack, which is awesome. (You don't want to bust a gut fundraising to find that all the money goes to South Auckland or something, huh?). SO.... anyone that has any little jobs that J might be able to help out with (bearing in mind that he is only 6 years old), let me know, ok? Thanks!
Well, that's about it from me, time to go back to work, then home later to pack up my gear for the Festival. As always, it will be a case of 'decisions decisions, what will I take with me?!' Ha ha ha!
Might catch you over the weekend peeps... Toodles,

Best of luck with the festival. Might just pop in to day g'day. Good excuse to go for a walk!
Yep, it's always good to see those scales inching downwards! Have fun at the festival.
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