Yup, here you go.... blog candy of the best kind - actual CANDY!
OK, below I have posted pictures of two plastic containers - one filled with jersey caramels, the other with baby chocolate fish. Have a guess at how many are in each container. Go on, I know you think you have the answer already, right?!
So, leave me a comment containing your guess, and the closest guess for each will win the loot! I'll leave it open until the end of the Easter break (ie comments close Monday 13th, midnight).
Good luck!

Sorry about the crap photos - these were taken on my phone (what happened to my camera is a whole other story).
So go on.... hazard a guess... what have you got to lose? That's right, NOTHING!
Toodles, B x
30 jersey caramels and 23 choc fish????????
ummmmm 33 jersey caramels... and 27 choccie fish!!!! cool competition thanks
28jersey caramels and 13 fish
thanks beck and thanks for the extremely beauitful words that you said about Margaret Thank you
33jc and 18fish dom
32 caramels and 15 fish, just let me know when to come and collect them!
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